Prof. Dr. S. Klein

Prof. Dr. phil. nat. Sandra Klein
Department of Pharmacy
Institute of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
University of Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 3
17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 4897
Curriculum Vitae
After working in the pharmaceutical industry for 4 years, Sandra Klein studied pharmacy and got her pharmacist's license and her Ph.D. from the Goethe University of Frankfurt. Subsequently, she was a postdoctoral fellow at Eastman Chemical Company in Kingsport/TN, USA and returned to the Goethe University of Frankfurt a senior research associate. Since many years she is working in the field of biorelevant dissolution testing, focussing on the development of test methods addressing essential gastrointestinal parameters relevant to in vivo drug release and is (co-) author of various original manuscripts and book chapters on this topic. Her current research is focused on developing predictive dissolution methods and dosage forms for special patient groups, particularly the paediatric and geriatric population. Beside this, she is developing predictive in vitro test methods for lozenges, vaginal delivery systems and accelerated drug release methods for a number of non-oral drug-delivery systems. Another focus of her research is the enhancement of bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs with different polymer- and cyclodextrin-based approaches. Prof. Klein is a board member of APV, an EuPFI associate and a member of AAPS, CRS, DPhG. Moreover, she is a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals and editor-in-chief of DiePharmazie, an international peer-reviewed journal of pharmaceutical sciences.