Pharmaceutical Biology addresses the biological foundations of pharmacy and their use in the development, production, control, processing and application of drugs. Here, biological sources are of particular importance for the development of new drugs.

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Research group Prof. S. Günther

Our research group focuses on the utilisation of biological sources for the development of effective drugs, particularly in the field of infectious diseases. We primarily utilise plants, algae and fungi as sources of natural substances with antibiotic, anti-infective and immunomodulating effects. We also use a wide range of extraction and natural product isolation methods, microbiology, cell culture and natural product analysis. Residue analysis of antibiotics and heavy metals is another focus of our work. In collaboration with internal and external co-operation partners, we are searching for novel lead structures of biogenic origin in the fight against multi-resistant germs.

Current topics

Pharmaceutical Biology

  • Extraction and analysis of pharmacologically active natural products from terrestrial and marine fungi, cyanobacteria, microalgae and higher plants
  • Antibiotics and heavy metal residue analysis
  • Analysis and biological testing of selected phytopharmaceuticals
  • Innovative cellular test systems
  • Cultivation of cyanobacteria, microalgae, fungi (marine and terrestrial) and mammalian cells


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Günther
Pharmaceutical Biology

Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17
17489 Greifswald

Telephone +49 3834 420 4900
Telefax +49 3834 420 4874

Beate Zillmer

Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Straße 17
17489 Greifswald

Telephone +49 3834 420 4873
Telefax +49 3834 420 4874