

Summer term
Basic principles of Biochemistry Lecture hall Pharmacy
Friday 13.00 – 14.00
Thomas Schweder, Michael Lalk
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II Lecture hall HS Ost
Monday 16.00 – 17.00
Thomas Schweder
General Biology for pharmacists: Microbiology Lecture hall HNO
Tuesday 8.00 – 10.00
Thomas Schweder, Ulrike Seifert & staff, Britta Jürgen
Winter term
General Biology for pharmacists Part I – Cytology and Genetics Lecture hall HS Ost
Friday 13.00 – 15.00
Thomas Schweder, Sebastian Günther
Basic principles of Biochemistry Lecture hall Pharmacy
Wednesday 13.00 – 14.00
Thomas Schweder, Michael Lalk
General Biology for pharmacists: Microbiology Lecture hall HNO
Tuesday 8.00 – 10.00
Thomas Schweder, Ulrike Seifert & staff, Britta Jürgen
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I Lecture hall HS Ost
Tuesday 10.00 – 11.00
Thomas Schweder
Marine Biotechnology (facultative) Lecture hall HS Ost
Thursday 8.00 – 9.00
Thomas Schweder & staff

Lecture scripts

The lecture scripts can be found in the online university calendar "LSF".


Summer term
Biogenic Drugs II (phytopharmaceuticals, antibiotics,
genetically engineered drugs)
for students in the 5th term
Lecture hall Pharmacy
Monday 8.00 – 9.00
Thomas Schweder, Sebastian Günther
Biogenic Drugs II (phytopharmaceuticals, antibiotics,
genetically engineered drugs)
for students in the 6th term
Lecture hall Pharmacy
Monday 9.00 – 10.00
Thomas Schweder, Sebastian Günther
Winter term
Biogenic Drugs I (phytopharmaceuticals, antibiotics,
genetically engineered drugs)
for students in the 5th term
Lecture hall Pharmacy
Monday 8.00 – 10.00
Thomas Schweder, Sebastian Günther
Biogenic Drugs I (phytopharmaceuticals, antibiotics,
genetically engineered drugs)
for students in the 6th term
Lecture hall Geology
Friday 8.00 – 10.00
Thomas Schweder, Sebastian Günther

by agreement

  • "Molecular Biotechnology"
  • Compulsory optional subject (Wahlpflichtfach) "Pharmaceutical Biotechnology" - Thomas Schweder & staff

Practical courses ("Praktika")

Please pay attention to updated bulletin boards!

Summer term
Biochemical analyses including Clinical Chemistry C_DAT, Practical room A.00.35 Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla & staff
Cytological and histological basics of Biology C_DAT, Practical room A.00.35 Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla
Microbiology Interim building, Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße & C_DAT, Laboratory A.00.35 Kathrin Zimmermann, Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla
Winter term
Microbiology Interim building, Ferdinand-Sauerbruch-Straße & C_DAT, Laboratory A.00.35 Kathrin Zimmermann, Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla
Cytological and histological basics of Biology C_DAT, Practical room A.00.35 Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla
Biotechnology-Biochemical analyses including Clinical Chemistry C_DAT, Practical room A.00.35 Britta Jürgen, Jana Matulla & staff


Lecture hall and laboratories Pharmacy Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 17
Lecture hall HS Ost Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 15a
Lecture hall Geology Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Str. 17/17a
Laboratory Institute of Medical Microbiology Martin-Luther-Str. 6