Marx S, Wilken F, Miebach L, Ispirjan M, Kinnen F, Paul S, Bien-Möller S, Freund E, Baldauf J, Fleck S, Siebert N, Lode H, Stahl A, Rauch BH, Singer S, Ritter C, Schroeder HWS, Bekeschus S. (2022) Immunophenotyping of Circulating and Intratumoral Myeloid and T Cells in Glioblastoma Patients. Cancers (Basel), 14 (23):5751.
Bekeschus S, Ispirjan M, Freund E, Kinnen F, Moritz J, Saadati F, Eckroth J, Singer D, Stope MB, Wende K, Ritter CA, Schroeder HWS, Marx S. (2022) Gas Plasma Exposure of Glioblastoma Is Cytotoxic and Immunomodulatory in Patient-Derived GBM Tissue. Cancers (Basel), 14 (3):813.
Kreutzer D, Döring H, Werner P, Ritter CA, Hilgeroth A. (2021) Novel Symmetrical Cage Compounds as Inhibitors of the Symmetrical MRP4-Efflux Pump for Anticancer Therapy. Int J Mol Sci, 22 (10):5098.
Saafan H, Alahdab A, Michelet R, Ziemann J, Gohlke L, Holdenrieder S, McLaughlin K-M, Wass MN, Cinatl J Jr, Michaelis M, Kloft C, Ritter CA. (2021) Constitutive cell proliferation regulating inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (CIP2A) mediates drug resistance to erlotinib in an EGFR activating mutated NSCLC cell line. Cells, 10 (4): 716-730.
Döring H, Kreutzer D, Ritter C, Hilgeroth A. (2020) Discovery of Novel Symmetrical 1,4-Dihydropyridines as Inhibitors of Multidrug-Resistant Protein (MRP4) Efflux Pump for Anticancer Therapy. Molecules. 26 (1): 18.
Kreutzer D, Ritter CA, Hilgeroth A. (2020) Novel Nonsymmetrical 1,4-Dihydropyridines as Inhibitors of Nonsymmetrical MRP-Efflux Pumps for Anticancer Therapy. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 13 (7): 146.
Güthlin C, Bartsch HH, Joos S, Längler A, Lampert C, Ritter C, Schildmann J, Weis J, Wilhelm M, Witt CM, Horneber M. (2020) KOKON: A Germany-Wide Collaborative Research Project to Identify Needs, Provide Information, Foster Communication and Support Decision-Making about Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncology. Complement Med Res. 27 (2): 105-111.
Weissenborn M, Krass I, Van C, Dähne A, Ritter CA, Haefeli WE, Seidling HM. (2020) Process of translation and cross-cultural adaptation of two Australian instruments to evaluate the physician-pharmacist collaboration in Germany. Res Social Adm Pharm. 16 (1): 74-83.
Ziemann J, Lendeckel A, Müller S, Horneber M, Ritter CA. (2019) Herb-drug interactions: a novel algorithm-assisted information system for pharmacokinetic drug interactions with herbal supplements in cancer treatment. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 75 (9): 1237-1248.
Dähne A, Costa D, Krass I, Ritter CA. (2019) General practitioner-pharmacist collaboration in Germany: an explanatory model. Int J Clin Pharm. 41 (4): 939-949.
Marx S, Splittstöhser M, Kinnen F, Moritz E, Joseph C, Paul S, Paland H, Seifert C, Marx M, Böhm A, Schwedhelm E, Holzer K, Singer S, Ritter CA, Bien-Möller S, Schroeder HWS, Rauch BH. (2018) Platelet activation parameters and platelet-leucocyte-conjugate formation in glioblastoma multiforme patients. Oncotarget. 9 (40): 25860-25876.
Hahn M, Ritter C, Roll SC. (2018) Validation of pharmacist-physician collaboration in psychiatry: 'the Eichberger-model'. Int J Clin Pharm. 40 (5): 1001-1004.
Vogt K, Mahajan-Thakur S, BröderdorfS, VogelC, Böhm A, Ritter CA, Oswald S, Greinacher A, Kroemer HK, JedlitschkyG, Rauch BH: Release of platelet-derived sphingosine-1-phosphate involves multidrug resistance protein 4 (MRP4/ABCC4) and is inhibited by statins. Thromb Haemost, 118 (1): 132-142.
Fischer T, Najjar A, Totzke F, Schächtele C, Sippl W, Ritter CA, Hilgeroth A (2017): Discovery of novel dual inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinase EGFR and PDGFR-beta related to anticancer drug resistance. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem, 33 (1): 1-8.
Wucherer D, Thyrian JR, Eichler T, Hertel J, Kilimann I, Richter S, Michalowsky B, Zwingmann I, Dreier-Wolfgramm A, Ritter CA, Teipel S, Hoffmann WA (2017): Drug-related problems in community-dwelling primary care patients screened positive for dementia. Int Psychogeriatr, 29 (11): 1857-1868.
Engel F, Sarin N, Kalayda GV, Mannewith M, Cinatl, jr. J, Rothweiler F, Michaelis M, Saafan, H, Ritter CA, Jaehde U, Frötschl R (2017): Cisplatin resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells is associated with an abrogation of cisplatin-induced G2/M cell cycle arrest. PLoS One, 12 (7): e0181081.
Fischer T, Krüger T, Najjar A, Totzke F, Schächtele C, Sippl W, Ritter CA, Hilgeroth A (2017): Discovery of novel substituted benzo-anellated 4-benzylamino pyrrolopyrimidines as dual EGFR and VEGFR2 inhibitors. Bioorg Med Chem Lett, 27 (12): 2708-2712.
Hempel C, Totzke F, Schächtele C, Najjar A, Sippl W, Ritter CA, and Hilgeroth A (2017): Discovery of novel dual inhibitors of receptor tyrosine kinases EGFR and IGF-1R. J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem, 32 (1): 271-276.
Hempel C, Totzke F, Schächtele C, Najjar A, Sippl W, Ritter CA, and Hilgeroth A (2016): Discovery of dually acting small-molecule inhibitors of cancer-resistance relevant receptor tyrosine kiases EGFR and IGF-1R. Med Chem Comm, 7 (11): 2159-2166.
Eskilsson E*, Rosland GV*, Talasila KM, Knappskog S, Keunen O,SottorivaA, Foerster S, Solecki G, Taxt T, Jirik R, Fritah S, Harter P, Vaelk C, Hossain J, Jahedi R, Piccirillo SG, Spiteri I, Euskirchen P, Graziani G, Daubon T, Lund-Johansen M, Enger PO, Winkler F, Ritter CA, Niclou SP, Watts C, Bjerkvig Rand Miletic H(2016): EGFRvIII mutations can emerge as late and heterogenous events in glioblastoma development and promote angiogenesis through Src activation. Neuro Oncol, 18 (12): 1644-1655.
Kloft C, Trame MN, and Ritter CA (2016): Systems pharmacology in drug development and therapeutic use – A forthcoming paradigm shift. Eur J Pharm Sci, 94, 1-3.
Saafan H*, Foerster S*, Parra-Guillen ZP, Hammer E, Michaelis M, Cinatl J Jr., Völker U, Fröhlich H, Kloft C*, and Ritter CA* (2016): Utilizing the EGFR interactome to identify mechanism of drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer – proof of concept towards a systems pharmacology approach. Eur J Pharm Sci, 94: 20-32.
Krawczyk S, Baumert C, Molnar J, Ritter CA, Hopner J, Kloft C, and Hilgeroth, A (2015): Novel non-substrate modulators of the transmembrane efflux pump P-glycoprotein (ABCB1). Med Chem Comm 6 (5), 860-866.
Herzog S, Fink MA, Weitmann K, Friedel C, Hadlich S, Langner S, Kindermann K, Holm T, Böhm A, Eskilsson E, Miletic H, Hildner M, Fritsch M, Vogelgesang S, Havemann C, Ritter CA, Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE, Rauch B, Hoffmann W, Kroemer HK, Schroeder HWS, and Bien-Möller S (2015): The Pim1 kinase is up-regulated in Glioblastoma multiforme and mediates tumor cell survival. Neuro Oncol, 17 (2): 223-242.
Stope MB, Weiss M, Preuß M, Streitbörger A, Rönnau C, Ziegler P, Ritter CA, Zimmermann U, Walther R, and Burchardt M (2014): Immediate and transient phosphorylation of the heat shock protein 27 initiates chemoresistance in prostate cancer cells. Oncol Rep, 32 (6): 2380-2386.
Mahmoud KA, Wersig T, Slynko I, Totzke F, Schächtele C, Oelze M, Sippl, W, Ritter CA, Hilgeroth A (2014): Novel inhibitors of breast cancer relevant kinases Brk and HER2. Med Chem Comm, 5 (5): 659-664.
Foerster S, Kacprowski T, Dhople VM, Hammer E, Herzog S, Saafan H, Bien-Möller S, Albrecht M, Völker U, and Ritter CA (2013): Characterization of the EGFR interactome reveals associated protein complex networks and intracellular receptor dynamics. Proteomics, 13 (21): 3131-3144.
Daeschlein G, Scholz S, Lutze S, Arnold A, von Podewils S, Kiefer T, Tüting T, Hardt O, Haase H, Grisk O, Langner S, Ritter CA, von Woedtke T, and Jünger M (2013): Comparison between cold plasma, electrochemotherapy and combined therapy in a melanoma mouse model. Experimental Dermatology, 22 (9): 582-586.
Wüstmann AF, Haase-Strey C, Kubiak T, and Ritter CA (2013): Cooperation between community pharmacists and general practitioners in eastern Germany: attitudes and needs. Int J Clin Pharm., 35 (4): 584-592.
Hussner J, Ameling S, Hammer E, Herzog S, Steil L, Schwebe M, Niessen J, Schroeder HWS, Kroemer HK, Ritter CA, Völker U, and Bien S (2012): Regulation of interferon-inducible proteins by doxorubicin via IFNg-JAK-STAT signaling in tumor cells.Mol. Pharmacol., 81 (5): 697-688.
Reimer J, Bien S, Ameling S, Hammer E, Völker U, Hempel G, Boos J, Kroemer HK, and Ritter CA (2012): Antineoplastic agent busulfan regulates a network of genes related to coagulation and fibrinolysis. Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol., 68 (6): 923-935.
Koch F, Vietze A, Laskowski U, Ritter CA, Linder A, and Hosten N (2011): Ex-vivo human lung tumor model: use for temperature measurements during thermal ablation of NSCLC. Rofo., 183 (3): 251-259.
Nambaru PK, Hübner T, Köck K, Mews S, Grube M, Payen L, Guitton J, Sendler M, Jedlitschky G, Rimmbach C, Rosskopf D, Kowalczyk DW, Kroemer HK, Weiss FU, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, and Ritter CA (2011): Drug efflux transporter MRP5 affects sensitivity of pancreatic cancer cell lines to the nucleoside anticancer drug 5-fluorouracil. Drug Metab. Dispos., 39 (1): 132-139.
Fiß T, Dreier A, Meinke C, van den Berg N, Ritter CA, and Hoffmann W (2011):Frequency of inappropriate drugs in primary care – analysis of a sample of immobile patients who received periodic home visits. Age Ageing, 40 (1): 66-73.
Fiß T, Ritter CA, Alte D, van den Berg N, and Hoffmann W (2010): Detection of drug related problems in an interdisciplinary health care model for rural areas in Germany. Pharm. World Sci., 32 (5): 566-574.
Bien S, Rimmbach C, Neumann H, Niessen J, Reimer E, Ritter CA, Rosskopf D, Cinatl J, Michaelis M, Schroeder HWS, and Kroemer HK (2010): Doxorubicin-induced cell death requires cathepsin B in HeLa cells. Biochem. Pharmacol., 80 (10): 1466-76.
Niessen J, Jedlitschky G, Grube M, Kawakami H, Kamiie J, Ohtsuki S, Schwertz H, Bien S, Starke K, Ritter CA, Strobel U, Greinacher A, Terasaki T, and Kroemer HK (2010):Expression of ABC-type transport proteins in human platelets. Pharmacogenet. Genom., 20 (6): 396-400.
Hammer E, Bien S, Gesell Salazar M, Steil L, Scharf C, Hildebrandt P, Schroeder HW, Kroemer HK, Völker U, and Ritter CA (2010): Proteomic analysis of doxorubicin induced changes in the proteome of HepG2 cells combining 2D-DIGE and LC-MS/MS approaches. Proteomics, 10 (1): 99-114.
Oevermann L, Scheitz J, Starke K, Köck K, Kiefer T, Doelken G, Nießen J, Greinacher A, Siegmund W, Zygmunt M, Kroemer HK, Jedlitschky G, and Ritter CA (2009):Hematopoietic stem cell differentiation affects expression and function of MRP4 (ABCC4), a transport protein for signaling molecules and drugs. Int. J. Cancer, 124 (10): 2303-2311.
Guo Y, Köck K, Ritter CA, Chen Z-S, Grube M, Jedlitschky G, Illmer T, Ayres M, Beck JF, Siegmund W, Ehninger G, Gandhi V, Kroemer HK, Kruh G, and Schaich M (2009):Expression of ABCC type nucleotide exporters in blasts of adult acute myeloid leukaemia: relation to long term survival. Clin. Cancer Res., 15 (5): 1762-1769.
Nießen J, Jedlitschky G, Grube M, Bien S, Strobel U, Ritter CA, Greinacher A, and Kroemer HK (2007): Subfractionation and purification of intracellular granule-structures of human platelets: An improved method based on magnetic sorting. J. Immunol. Methods, 328 (1-2): 89-96.
Bien S, Riad A, Ritter CA, Gratz M, Olshausen F, Ciecholewski S, Grube M, Westermann D, Krieg T, Felix SB, Staudt A, Schultheiss H-P, Ewert R, Völker U, Tschöpe C, and Kroemer HK (2007): The endothelin receptor blocker bosentan inhibits doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy. Cancer Res., 67 (21): 10428-10435.
Ritter CA, Perez-Torres M, Rinehart C, Guix M, Dugger T, Engelman JA, and Arteaga CL (2007): Human breast cancer cells selected for resistance to trastuzumab in vivo overexpress EGFR and ErbB ligands and remain dependent on the ErbB receptor network. Clin. Cancer Res., 13 (16): 4909-4919.
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Bracht K, Liebecke M, Ritter CA, Grünert R, and Bednarski PJ (2007): Correlations between the activities of 19 standard anticancer agents, antioxidative enzyme activities and the expression of ABC transporters: Comparison with the NCI data. Anticancer Drugs, 18 (4): 389-404.
Reimer J, Bien S, Sonnemann J, Beck JF, Wieland T, Kroemer HK, and Ritter CA (2007): Reduced expression of RhoGDIalpha modulates the cytotoxic effect of busulfan in HEK293 cells. Anticancer Drugs, 18 (3): 333-340.
Grube M, Reuther S, Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE, Köck K, Draber K, Ritter CA, Fusch C, Jedlitschky G, and Kroemer HK (2007): Organic anion transporting polypeptide 2B1 and breast cancer resistance protein interact in the transepithelial transport of steroid sulfates in human placenta. Drug Metab. Dispos., 35 (1): 30-35.
Grube M, Köck K, Karner S, Reuther S, Ritter CA, Jedlitschky G and Kroemer HK (2006): Modification of OATP2B1 mediated transport by steroid hormones. Mol. Pharmacol., 70 (5): 1735-1741.
Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE, Grube M, Dreisbach A, Jedlitschky G, Meissner K, Linnemann K, Fusch C, Ritter CA, Völker U and Kroemer HK (2006): Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) mediated activation of the MAP Kinase cascade results in altered expression and function of ABCG2 (BCRP). Drug Metab. Dispos. 34 (4): 524-533.
Kivistö KT, Grisk O, Hofmann U, Meissner K, Möritz KU, Ritter CA, Arnold KA, Lütjohann D, von Bergmann K, Klöting I, Eichelbaum M and Kroemer HK (2005): Disposition of oral and intravenous pravastatin in MRP2-deficient TR-rats. Drug Metab. Dispos., 33 (11): 1593-1596.
Reyzer ML, Caldwell RL, Dugger TC, Forbes JT, Ritter CA, Guix M, Arteaga CL, and Caprioli RM (2004): Early changes in protein expression detected by mass spectrometry predict tumor response to molecular therapeutics. Cancer Res., 64 (24): 9093-9100.
Bien S, Ritter CA, Gratz M, Sperker B, Sonnemann J, Beck JF and Kroemer HK (2004):Nuklear factor-kappaB mediates up-regulation of cathepsin B by doxorubicin in tumor cells. Mol. Pharmacol., 65 (5): 1092-1102.
Schiltmeyer B, Klingebiel T, Schwab M, Mürdter TE, Ritter CA, Jenke A, Ehninger G, Gruhn B, Würthwein G, Boos J, Hempel G (2003): Population pharmacokinetics of oral busulfan in children. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 52 (3): 209-216.
Dressel D, Ritter CA, Sperker B, Grube M, Maier T, Klingebiel T, Siegmund W, Beck JF and Kroemer HK (2003): Busulfan induces activin A expression in vitro and in vivo: A possible link to venous occlusive disease. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 74 (3): 264-274.
Bianco R, Shin I, Ritter CA, Yakes FM, Basso A, Rosen N, Tsurutani J, Dennis PA, Mills GB and Arteaga CL (2003): Loss of PTEN/MMAC1/TEP in EGF receptor-expressing tumor cells counteracts the anti-tumor action of EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Oncogene, 22 (18): 2812-2822.
Ritter CA, Sperker B, Grube M, Dressel D, Kunert-Keil C and Kroemer HK (2002):Overexpression of glutathione S-transferase A1-1 in ECV 304 cells protects against busulfan mediated G2-arrest and induces tissue factor expression. Br. J. Pharmacol., 137 (7): 1100-1106.
Yakes FM, Chinratanalab W, Ritter CA, King W, Seelig S and Arteaga CL (2002):Herceptin-induced inhibition of Phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and Akt is required for antibody-mediated effects on p27, cyclin D1, and antitumor action. Cancer Res., 62 (14): 4132-4141.
Muraoka RS, Dumont N, Ritter CA, Dugger TC, Brantley DM, Chen J, Easterly E, Roebuck R, Ryan S, Gotwals PJ, Koteliansky V and Arteaga, CL (2002): Blockade of TGF-b inhibits mammary tumor cell viability, migration, and metastases. J. Clin. Invest., 109 (12): 1551-1559.
Bohnenstengel F, Friedel G, Ritter CA, McClellan M, Fritz P, Eichelbaum M, Linder A, Toomes H, Dierkesmann R and Kroemer HK (2000): Variability of cyclophosphamide uptake into human bronchial carcinoma: consequences for local bioactivation. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 45 (1): 63-68.
Ritter CA, Bohnenstengel F, Hofmann U, Kroemer HK and Sperker B (1999):Determination of tetrahydrothiophene formation as a probe of in vitro busulfan metabolism by human glutathione S-transferase A1-1: use of a highly sensitive gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method. J. Chromatogr. B Biomed. Sci. Appl., 730 (1): 25-31.
Ritter CA (2014): Pharmakogenetik und prädiktive Gentests. Pharm. Ztg.
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Ritter CA, Kroemer HK (2009): Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen mit zentral wirksamen Substanzen – Schwerpunkt Antidepressiva. Pharm. Ztg., 154 (47):4436-4443.
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Köck K, Grube M, Oevermann L, Siegmund W, Ritter CA, and Kroemer HK (2007):Expression of ATP binding cassette (ABC) drug transporters in peripheral blood cells – relevance for pharmacotherapy. Clin. Pharmacokinet, 46 (6):449-470.
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Ritter CA, Jedlitschky G, Meyer zu Schwabedissen HE, Grube M, Köck K, and Kroemer HK (2005): Cellular export of drugs and signaling molecules by the ATP-binding cassette transporters MRP4 (ABCC4) and MRP5 (ABCC5). Drug Metab. Rev. 37 (1):253-278.
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Ritter CA and Arteaga CL (2003): Epidermal growth factor receptor: a promising therapeutic target for solid tumors. Semin. Oncol., 30 (1, Suppl. 1): 3-11.
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